O primeiro colocado na OBN será indicado como representante nacional para a Olimpíada Internacional de Neurociências (International Brain Bee). No caso do primeiro colocado não poder representar o Brasil na competição internacional, o segundo candidato poderá ser indicado como representante e caso o segundo não possa, o Comitê Nacional poderá indicar o terceiro colocado.

O supervisor ou seu representante deverá acompanhar o representante da Olimpíada Brasileira de Neurociências na “18a Competição Internacional de Neurociências (International Brain Bee) entre os dias 07 e 11 de julho de 2018, em Berlim – Alemanha, durante o Fórum da Federação das Sociedades Européias de Neurociências (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Bi-annual Forum). . O organizador da competição em 2018 será o fundador e coordenador geral, Dr. Norbert Myslinski.


As informações no site oficial da IBB estão sendo atualizadas. Mais informações podem ser obtidas através do link abaixo:



Study Book


All questions will be derived from these three texts:

  • “The Brain: An Introduction to Functional Neuroanatomy” Watson, Paxinos & Kirkcaldie
  • Essential Neuroscience” 3rd Edition by Siegal and Sapru.


Study Resources


Brain Facts


Neuroscience Online


Get Body Smart


Virtual Histology Laboratory


BioEd Online. The Learning Brain: Neuroscience


Edinburg Neuroscience


3D Brain- Genes to Cognition online









Study Material

Neuroscience: Science of the Brain (2003), Publisher: International Brain Research Organization, available in 21 languages and freely downloadable: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3277825/Neuroscience-Science-of-the-Brain

Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain (2006) by Mark F Bear Barry W Connors and Michael A Paradiso, Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Third edition, ISBN/ISSN: 9780781760034; translated into 6 different languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. If a hardcopy cannot be acquired, scans of the English edition may be provided. For information about the book, please refer to the publisher’s website: http://www.lww.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product__11851_-1_9012052_Prod-9780781760034. New and used copies are available via Amazon and other booksellers. Only the following Chapters will be needed to prepare for the 2015 IBB:

2. Neurons and Glia

7. The Structure of the Nervous System

8. The Chemical Senses

9. The Eye

10. The Central Visual System

11. The Auditory and Vestibular Systems

12. The Somatic Sensory System

15. Chemical Control of the Brain and Behavior

18. Brain Mechanisms of Emotion

20. Language

24. Memory Systems


Competition Sessions




Written Quiz

Live Q&A (Questions with Written Answers Part 2)

Human Neuroanatomy Practical

Participants will be asked to label neuroanatomical structures on real human brains, sections of human brains, brain models, and/or images of human brain tissues.

This involves a whole human brain, sagittal half brain, or brain stem (or a model of one). 25 parts of the brain will be pointed to, and students must recall the names and/or functions of the indicated parts and write them on their answer sheets. Students can prepare by studying any basic neuroanatomy or neurophysiology textbook or atlas.


This involves competitors rotating through stations consisting of 10 histological sections of the brain and nervous system. Students must be able to recall the names of indicated cells and parts of the nervous system. Students can prepare by studying any basic neurohistology text book.

Exemples of structures. All structures listed below may be included, and students should learn to identify them from free, online material. No other structures beyond what is listed here will be tested. It is not necessary to understand the functions of each structure- students will only be asked for the names (Tip: All structures will be presented as stained tissue sections. No electromicrographs will be included).
Cerebral cortex
white matter
gray matter
pyramidal neurons
molecular layer
granule cell layer
Purkinje cell
white matter
gray matter
Choroid Plexus
dentate gyrus
Pineal body
Pituitary gland
Spinal Cord
white matter
gray matter
spinal canal
Anterior Horn
Dorsal Horn
Dorsal root ganglion
Unmyelinated nerve
Peripheral nerve
Schwann cell nucleus
Node of Ranvier
Photoreceptor cells
Ganglion cells
Taste Buds
Fungiform papilla
neuroepithelial cells
basal cells
Organ of Corti
Hair cells of the Organ of Corti
Crista Ampullaris
Olfactory epithelium
Pacinian Corpuscle
Parasympathetic ganglia
Auerbach’s Plexus

Patient Diagnosis

Students will spend 5 minutes alone with each of 10 patient actors. By observing them, asking them 3 questions, and ordering 2 laboratory or clinical tests they are to diagnose the patient’s neurological disorder, choosing from one of the following disorders:

Possible Neurological Diseases:

1) Huntington’s Disease

2) Parkinson’s Disease

3) Alzheimer’s Disease

4) Bipolar Disorder

5) Schizophrenia

6) Autism

7) Epilepsy

8) Stroke

9) Multiple Sclerosis

10) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

11) Rett Syndrome

12) Korsakoff´s Syndrome

13) Spinal Cord Injury

14) Prion Diseases – Cruzfeldt-Jakob disease

15) Down Syndrome

16) Neurological AIDS

17) Addiction

18) Tourette’s Syndrome

19) Hydrocephalus

20) Cerebral Palsy

Patients are only allowed to answer “yes”, “no” or “I don’t know” to the 3 questions. Students will select from a list of tests and will immediately be given the results to help their diagnosis.

Possible Diagnostic Tests are:

1) Intelligence test

2) Memory test

3) Blood test

4) DNA test

5) Lumbar puncture

6) Blood pressure measurement

7) Biopsy and neuropathology

8) Nerve conduction test

9) Reflex evaluation

10) Motor evaluation

11) Sensory evaluation

11) Electroencephalogram

12) Electromyogram

13) Cerebral blood flow study

14) CT scan

15) PET scan

16) functional MRI

17) MRI scan

Written Multiple Choice Exam

Competitors will be given the same 25 questions orally one at a time. They will have 15 seconds to write the answers on a pad given to them. At the end of the 15 seconds, they will each read their answers out loud. Students can prepare by studying Neuroscience: the Science of the Brain (2003)

Questions with Written Answers Part 2

Competitors will be given the same 25 questions orally one at a time. They will be in the form of short case studies. They will have 20 seconds to write the answers on a pad given to them. At the end of the 20 seconds, they will each read their answers out loud. Students can prepare by studying Neuroscience: the Science of the Brain (2003)


Esta Olimpíada de Neurociências é um evento sancionado oficialmente pela International Brain Bee.
© 2012 Organização Ciências e Cognição. Todos os Direitos Reservados. Por favor, envie sugestões de melhorias, correções e comentários para o suporte Web, aos cuidados de Glaucio Aranha.



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